Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bedtime for Bonzo...I've seen this movie before.

The story goes like this, an unpopular closet moderate republican President paves way for far left President which creates a backlash giving a Conservative/Libertarian president a landslide victory changing government to the core with "Radical" economic ideas that create prosperity for decades. When I first saw the movie Richard Nixon was the moderate Republican. Unpopular to me because of the real scandal of wage and price controls, but no need to go into that here. Jimmy Carter played the ultra liberal Democrat come to exercise corruption from Washington and Ronald Regan played the dashing Conservative outsider with a chastised view of economics that transformed the nation for a decade or more. The movie goes a little different this time. George Bush as the unpopular (closet moderate Republican) President. His unpopularity begins with failing to control the growth of government and getting us into a prolonged engagement in Iraq. Bush then tops off his 2nd term with economic calamity bordering on catastrophe. This sets the stage for savior Obama, who is expected to correct past injustices with far left agenda and socialist policies that the mass media appreciate and offer with little critical thought. The media fails to synopsize Obama rhetoric as socialist dogma laced with radical keywords. The Movie begins to change a bit here. The backlash this time starts Mid-term for the liberal President. Instead, the "coat tails" precede the next president. The Congress is padded with libertarian minded electorate in 2010. A political movement is on the move with great strength and speed moving toward the next presidential election. Now here the Tea Party plays the same role as Reagan. Like Reagan, The Tea Party movement is discounted, ignored and berated sometimes by the same Republican Party that Reagan belonged to. Again, like Reagan, the Tea party is called crazy. In 1980, Reagan, even though ahead in the polls was not expected to win the New Hampshire primary according to the media. Just like then a discounted Tea Party candidate will win the New Hampshire primary. They will call it stunning and write it off to those quirky New Hampshire voters again. The winner of the Republican primary will win a landslide victory with "radical philosophy". This time the coat tails will add to previous victories and create a huge majority for these radical philosophies. This time instead of probing for opportunities to curb the growth of government, as Reagan did, these "radicals" will be making massive and real budget cuts and changes in the way government approaches all things. Less will be more and as Reagan said “Government is not the solution to the problem, Government is the problem”. The contrast here will be unique in American history and the prosperity that follows will change America for generations. The contrast will have shown left vs. libertarian in a clear and defined way. America will again be an economic dynamo while finding our Libertarian roots. Liberals will be forever purged from office. It will truly be Bedtime for Bonzo.

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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Vouch for Me

Education is fundamental to democracy. But, for our nation education is 2nd class among the worlds industrial nations. It should be very clear by now that we have approached this problem from the wrong direction.
Government cannot solve this problem. The free market can. In fact, it is incestuous for government to concern itself with any aspect of creating the voting mind that will someday choose that government, except paying for it.
Imagine free market education. 10's or 100's of thousands of schools of every level and specialty( a brand new growth industry). Students and parents choosing schools, deciding collectively the success and failure of each institution. Opponents argue that specialty schools will create a crack through with students will fall, a crack of extreme beliefs and perhaps cults. This small crack is nothing compared to the canyon that our nation falls through presently. Every unwanted side affect that proponents of the present system argue, wrongly implies that this side effect is less prevalent in our current situation. For instance, worst of which, racial and economic stratification. Our current system confines students to geographic boundaries that are racial and or economic in nature. More now then after vouchers. The real reason for keeping the present system of education is patronage. How will a nation with free market education system affect the paycheck and position of power for me and my allies. Those against are simply the present educational system and their political allies. Who benefits most by the present system and who are their allies? Teachers Unions and Democrats. In fact, the worse the problem is the more money they get! For this reason, a voucher system is probably cheaper than the present system. The right answer is in always better, in all ways.

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